Clark's LLS 593 Educating Linguistically Diverse Students Webpage

Case Study
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Case Study
My Family Story
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I Am From Poem
Reading/Vocabulary Reflections


Ethnographic Case Study


Clark W. Rathe

Phase 1

I spent the months of October, November and one week of December working with AB. AB comes from a large family. His Father and Mother three older brothers, two older sisters and one younger sister. AB and his family actually have a history of attending Apache Elementary school. AB’s mom attended school at Apache when she was a child. AB and his family lived in Phoenix AZ. AB started his schooling in Phoenix. They moved back to Farmington almost 2 years ago. AB took third grade at Apache, and is now in Mrs. Bradshaw’s fourth grade class.

I have been working with AB helping him write a story about his family. My interaction with AB has been limited to Thursday morning for about one and a half hours. During this time I coach him on writing this story. AB has been an enjoyment for me as I have worked with him.

Phase 2

There are several emerging themes that I have discovered about AB’s education as I have worked with him and interviewed both his Father and his teacher Mrs. Bradshaw. These themes are what I feel are crucial to his educational development. As it stands, I believe that AB is doing excellent in school, and with encouragement will likely continue to excel.

1. AB’s Father mentioned that AB was born with an oversized head. The doctors thought that he would likely never be able to walk or develop normally. Obviously the doctor was wrong. According to AB’s teacher, he meets with a SPED teacher twice a week. AB’s teacher stated that “AB is the Highest level SPED student that she has ever seen.” She actually made it appear that she did not know why AB was considered a SPED student. I agreed that I didn’t know why either. Perhaps what AB’s father mentioned about AB when he was a baby has something to do with this.

What emerged from this theme in my mind is that AB is a hardworking student. He has had that hard work instilled on him from his family. AB’s Father has made it clear to each of his children that Family comes first. He also stated that he is the “enforcer” when it comes to keeping his kids going in the right direction.

2. Furthering AB’s education beyond the Fourth grade starts with support. AB’s teacher pointed out that “AB is an active learner. He engages quickly and does not procrastinate. While at times he might not understand the instruction, once it is understood, he has no problem doing the assignments.” AB’s Father pointed out that since they have moved back to Farmington, that AB has begun to excel in his school work. “AB is doing even better here than in Phoenix. He has more friends here and is doing better in his school work.” AB’s teacher also pointed out that “AB is in the top 1/3 of his class when it comes to his school work.

3. Strengths in the education. AB said that his favorite subjects are PE and computers. AB’s teacher stated that “AB works hardest in Math and Science.” AB’s Father pointed out that he sees “AB’s strength is in reading. He often will say, ‘I have read that goosebumps before’ while the family is watching it. It shows that he is reading a lot at school and at home.” As I worked with AB I observed that he does an excellent job at writing. His spelling is very accurate and he stays on task when doing his work. When I look at these themes, it seem clear to me that AB is quite a well rounded student. He is doing very well in all areas of study. Both his Parents and his teacher attest to that. My observations have been limited to Language Arts which appear to be doing very well.

What can help AB develop these strengths? It seems that what is transpiring right now in his life is exactly what he needs. He is a very capable young man and with continued support from his future teachers and his Family, there is no place that he cannot go educationally.

4. Connecting the educational process to home and school. I visited with AB’s teacher and what she suggested would help AB in his continued development as a student would be for him to keep on reading. She suggested “nightly reading and then for him to retell what he read to show that he understands the reading.” “Engaging in lots of conversation with AB will help him to develop a stronger vocabulary and give him an even better ability to use his language. It appears that these suggestions are transpiring already. AB’s not only has help from his parents, but also his older siblings who have also helped him in his education. My observation is that AB has a gift in his family. His family is his support. Many children are not as fortunate as AB and is a sad thing.

5. How to connect education to home and school. AB’s Father stated “in Phoenix we where contact often by AB’s teacher on both what he was doing well and what he needed work on. The personal touch of the teacher to the Parent will help us to address what AB needs.” Parent-Teacher conferences are a vital part of this, but continued progress reports or notes home to parents might also encourage the students home educational process.

Phase 3

I have been fortunate to have this opportunity. I don’t see myself as having done anything but simply put words on paper that reaffirm the quality of a young boy who is growing and learning. As I connected with AB throughout this time, I simply could not miss out on the value of Family. AB would often refer to his family members. It is in this that truly believe that AB will be successful. Getting all A’s and graduating from High School or going to college are good things for sure, but having unquenchable support from home no matter what you do will carry a person to the next level. AB has this quality in his home life, so I see that there is nothing that he cannot do.

Education is not just in the classroom. While AB has been able to grow as a student since he has been back living in Farmington, I see him being successful wherever he would be. AB’s father has pointed out that “Phoenix is more multicultural, while Farmington is most bi-cultural” it seems that this has worked out for the good in AB. “He has more friends that are like him and he is doing better in his studies” according to his Father. In my opinion this is in large part due to the family surrounding the student. When a child has support from their family, the are going to succeed.

AB, or “Handsome” as their family calls him, has the ability to go many places. AB himself has said “I want to be in the Army and be a Tank Driver.” In this I can see that he has been given hope that he can be whatever he wants to be. If AB decides to join the Army, certainly he will be equipped to do great in that environment because of the home-education that his parents have been giving him. Home-education does not mean that he is working on his ABC’s, but that he is being given support for who he is and value in his family unit.

It has been a pleasure working with AB and his teacher during the writing project for AB’s school. I have learned a lot about what it will take for me to become the best teacher that I can be so I can help student just like AB in the future. I believe that connecting with the Parents of the students will be a vital way to help each student grow educationally. I look forward to the day that I will have a

"Education is a lifelong process and is starts at home."
Clark W. Rathe

"I have no greater joy than seeing my children walk in truth."