Five Dimensions of Learning
Confidence and Independence, Knowledge content, Skills and Strategies, Use of prior emerging
experience, and reflectiveness.
So far, I don't feel like I have been directly taught these concepts
in so much as their distinct names being spoken of. I do however feel that the direction of the learning experiences
that we have had so far in this class have intergrated some of these concepts. I can't say that I have a distinct undrestanding
of how these concepts will be intergrated into the classroom as per the instruction in this class thus far. What I do
see is that although we aren't speaking directly of these things in class, we are practicing them.
As an educator, I hope that I will create a classroom environment where
each of these dimensions of learning can be fostered. I do feel that I am more confident in my ability to be a teacher
since I first enrolled in this class. I am developing many different skills and strategies for my future classroom from
both my class experiences as well as what I have gleened from my readings. I do feel that I have a better knowledge
base, but I feel that I need more classes helping me to understand how my classroom will run. I expect that being in
Mrs. Bradshaws classroom will help me develop my understanding. Certainly my experiences are expressed in my reflections
as well as my class responses, so this part is definiately emerging in my mind. As I write this reflection, I feel that
my learning is developing greatly. I am very happy about this ideas I am learning in this class, and I hope to start
the "grassroots" effort in a school system soon.