In October I had the chance to go to the Totah theater with my children to listen to some professional story tellers.
We were able to listen to several stories told by Olga Loya. She told her stories using both the English language Spanish
in her stories. She called it Amor de la meto.
She told a story about a little cochroach, La Cucharacha who got all dressed up trying to impress others. She wanted
to look pretty. She was so sad about being ugly. She bought a wig then a some eyelashes then some lipstick, then
some new clothes and finally some high heel. Then El Gato sees her and asks her to marry him. So does a wolf and
a Rat. Finally she goes back and looks at herself and thinks she look funny. She takes it all off, and a cochroach
tells her she is so beautiful and she marries him. My kids thought it was really funny. Even my four year old
was laughing.
She used the Spanish/English story telling style to impress that language is how we communicate. She challenge
us as listeners to Lift the Sky or En La Cetch. She said that if we put our hearts and minds into something and do so
within our community, we will be able to do anything.
I really enjoyed the stories, and I hope to go to it again someday.