Since October thru December we have been spending time working at Apache Elementary's 4th grade class taught by Mrs.
Bradshaw. We had the opportunity to help teach students how to write a story.
My observation of the practicum was three fold.
1. The four-square method of story writing can be effective as a tool for starting the writing process, but should
not be substituted for creative thinking with regard to the writing of stories.
2. The introduction of writing coaches in the lives of these fouth graders is both an opportunity for their growth
as a student as well as paramount in the life of the future educator because of the experience that we have had in this process.
3. Author's Chair is an important ending to the creation of the story as well as development of the author.
Reading or sharing the story is what brings the story into the lives of others. Without sharing it, the student will
have only just put thoughts on paper. The sharing of the story is what makes it come to life.
My experience with this practicum has been very fulfulling. I feel that being able to spend time like this in the
classroom working with students is vital to my development as a future educator. This is what makes teaching come to